Compute Hash/ Digest for Odoo

Odoo 8.0:

Change the password directly in the Postgres Database, as it is saved in plain text:

~$  sudo su postgres
~$  psql
postgres=# \connect Your_Database_Name
You are now connected to database "Your_database_Name" as user "postgres"
YOurDatabase_Name=# update res_users set password='YourNewPassword' where id='1';

Odoo 9.0 and Odoo 10.0:

Create a hash and then change the hash in the Postgres database:

~$ python
>>> from passlib.context import CryptContext
>>> print CryptContext(['pbkdf2_sha512']).encrypt('YourNewPassword')
Copy the Hash created

~$  sudo su postgres 
~$  psql 
postgres=# \connect Your_Database_Name
You are now connected to database "Your_database_Name" as user "postgres"
YOurDatabase_Name=# UPDATE res_users SET password='', password_crypt='YourCopiedHash' WHERE id=1;
YOurDatabase_Name=# \q

Odoo 11:

Create a hash using Python 3 and change the hash in the Postgres database:

~$ python3
>>> from passlib.context import CryptContext
>>> setpw = CryptContext(schemes=['pbkdf2_sha512'])
>>> setpw.encrypt('YourNewPassword')

~$ sudo su postgres
~$ psql 
postgres=# \connect Your_Database_Name
You are now connected to database "Your_database_Name" as user "postgres"
YOurDatabase_Name=# UPDATE res_users SET password='', password_crypt='YourCopiedHash' WHERE id=1;
YOurDatabase_Name=# \q

Odoo 12 and Odoo 13:

Create a hash using Python 3 and change the hash in the Postgres database:

~$ python3
>>> from passlib.context import CryptContext
>>> setpw = CryptContext(schemes=['pbkdf2_sha512'])
>>> hash_val = setpw.encrypt('YourNewPassword')
>>> print(hash_val)
>>> setpw.verify('YourNewPassword', hash_val)

~$ sudo su postgres  
~$ psql 
postgres=# \connect Your_Database_Name
You are now connected to database "Your_database_Name" as user "postgres"
YOurDatabase_Name=# UPDATE res_users SET password='YourCopiedHash' WHERE id=2;
YOurDatabase_Name=# \q

Please be aware that since Odoo12 the Primary Key of the admin user has changed. The new ID is 2 (not 1 as in earlier versions) in a new install, if you have migrated your database from an earlier version, it might be even a higher number – please check your res_users table in the database first in this case.

Also there is no separate field “password_crypt” anymore.

Enjoy your saved life and don’t forget to upvote this little tutorial!

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